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For Homes

More green energy yield for self consumption, Simpler to install, Easier to use

Whether your home or business site is well served by a local utility grid, or is remote and securing grid connection is costly or even unavailable, Enfinergy Smart Power Solutions allow you to fully cover your electricity needs through cheaper and greener energy.


Enfinergy Smart Power Solutions  are enabled with Artificial Intelligence which processes multiple system parameters and data to make best decisions for directing your energy flows every minute or less, adopting to continuously changing operational environment like time of day, weather, connected loads, etc.

The user only needs to chose between «Comfort» and «Economy» operating modes, SPC and SPM will do the rest.

  • Smart integration of renewable and traditional energy sources

  • Smart charge and discharge algorithms for energy storage

  • Smart Energy export scenarios

  • Leverage best financial outcome from time of Use tariffs

  • Leverage grid spot price benefits

  • Leverage Demand Side response program benefits

  • Maximize the time of your critical loads operation during grid outage

  • Integration of multiple Zigbee Smart Home devices

  • Peer to Peer energy trading

  • Full visibility and control via Mobile App

  • Integration with third party Smart Home systems via IFTTT algorithms

Typical system layout for a single site

Single Site SPC Transparent.png

Typical installation scenarios

There are currently several well known and widely accepted ways to integrate grid-tie solar production with home energy storage to ensure uninterrupted power supply and maximize self use of solar power. Two of them are most commonly used, they are referred to as AC Coupling and DC coupling of battery storage.


Adding SPM to your existing installation will bring unprecedented intelligence into the system and allow various components to be seamlessly integrated and «talking» to each other and to you, via a single user interface.

AC Coupling of a battery

AC Coupling SPM.png

This option implies PV connection through grid-tie solar string inverter or micro inverters, and a separate inverter for the batteries, which is connected to an AC power line. The transfer switch may be required to ensure feeding the loads from the battery in case of grid failure or for self-consumption during night hours.

DC Coupling of a battery

DC Coupling SPM.png

This option implies PV connection through the MPPT or PWM DC-DC converter / charger, which may be a separate device or built into the hybrid inverter. The hybrid inverter may have an already built-in grid-battery transfer switch, but if you wish to connect a back-up gas or diesel generator, a separate transfer switch will be required. Such arrangement is normally more tolerant to the loss of grid power, as in case of grid failure, you can still use your own solar production along with the battery.

How Smart Power Center is different?

With Enfinergy SPC we offer a new edge of technology, which enables you to combine the benefits of both solutions described above, and at the same time achieve considerable savings on the auxilary equipment and electrical wiring/connections work at your home or business site.


Here is how it works: SPC allows to connect all energy sources and energy consumers directly and provides built in integrated control and switching of energy supply sources and the loads.

Smart Power Center

SPC for Solutions Page.png

SPC has built-in bidirectional battery invertor / charger, MPPT string controller for directly connecting the PV panel strings, Automated transfer switches with power ratings of up to 10kWp for PV and 12kWp for a standby generator, these power ratings are sufficient to power a large European home or a small commercial facility and a set of electrical safety equipment – AC and DC curcuit breakers.


Another significant advantage of the SPC solution is in the ability of remote control of the smart curcuit breakers which can be installed in the main electric panel, or the IoT based direct loads control. This eliminates the need for installing and hard wiring the separate essential loads panel as any of the load curcuits in the main panel may be flexibly defined as essential or non essential within 3 priority groups.

Installation and hardware savings on equipment for all three options

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